Ethereum Classic
$25.9224ETC rate
+3.30%last 24 hours
Ethereum Classic SOLO Mining Pool
901.64 GH/sPool
Block Reward2.56 ETC + Tx Fee
Pool Fee1.5%
Telegram Bot@SoloEtc2Minersnew block notification
901.64 GH/s
164.58 TH/s
347004 Blocksfound
DateNumber and HashBlock HashLuckReward ETC
29 minutes ago197254430363…1456115 %
an hour ago19725259c994…bb0f15 %
an hour ago19725227b316…6930249 %
3 hours ago197248089fdf…ab196 %
3 hours ago197247937559…c25911 %
3 hours ago19724776bbc3…da9f32 %
3 hours ago19724711151d…027771 %
4 hours ago19724569f0e6…5f2182 %
4 hours ago19724416a20c…e6df44 %
5 hours ago19724337e2e9…d825121 %
6 hours ago197241209970…bc739 %
Show Recent Blocks
$1.8 KPaid to miners
Last 24 hours
DateAddress and Tx IDTx IDTotal ETC
an hour ago0x8503…be6b9904…16d32.522$65.38
an hour ago0xf716…9d3176e2…fdf22.522$65.38
3 hours ago0xece8…fdfb5887…79e02.522$65.38
3 hours ago0x1d99…d5711478…2ba92.522$65.38
5 hours ago0x8503…be6b53cd…2c932.522$65.38
5 hours ago0xc5de…1b871f3c…35052.522$65.38
7 hours ago0xf9db…bc53ba61…687230.265$785
9 hours ago0xaaf4…1116d80c…017f2.522$65.38
11 hours ago0x1d99…d571855e…96be2.601$67.42
11 hours ago0x1762…f7f727c0…52dd2.522$65.38
13 hours ago0x1762…f7f7f0f1…f67e2.522$65.38
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Ethereum Classic SOLO Mining Pool

Low fee Ethereum Classic SOLO mining pool for GPU, ASIC and Nicehash. Fast payments, reliable servers, new block monitoring.

High Availability

Data center in Europe, US, Asia: real dedicated servers and DDOS protection.

Nicehash support: dedicated port (100% compatible with Nicehash stratum). 2Miners is Nicehash officially recommended pool.

Email and Telegram notifications: rig monitoring and new block notifications for all the pools. Free of charge for any amount of rigs.

Regular payouts
every 2 hours.
Pools and Solo Pools
for big miners.
Full block reward including transaction fees.

Low Ping

Top Destinations
Stockholm24 ms
Helsinki30 ms
Warsaw31 ms
Berlin34 ms
Top Countries
Sweden24 ms
Finland30 ms
Poland31 ms
Germany34 ms

Comprehensive Statistics

Help & Support For Our Miners

Community 24/7 Support: 12 000+ miners are chitchatting

An outstanding knowledge base for miners

Above all, great customer support which always have an advice. Cool!
Jamil Fahrutdinov, Turkmenistan@dzhama
Great pool! Convenient design. Nearly 24/7 fast support. I never got any problems with settings or payouts.
Nikita Sergeev, Moscow@nicksergeev
Hi all, just recently joined the pool, looking good, Thanks for the good work devs!
I had known nothing about mining before I found 2Miners blog. Everything is written in accessible language. Finally got my rig ready. Just started to mine on the pool.
Arkadiy Soloviev, @aksoloviev
I really like this pool. I also like reading when people say it sucks and "y no gibs" like it's a welfare office or an old lady with a nice purse. Mining, actually crypto, or money, in general, should be withheld from brainlets who aren't capable of calculations...... wait we need them lol
Saul Nosenberg
As a large miner, it is hard to find pools that can support a lot of hashrate and workers on newer coins. We have had a great experience solo mining newer coins, in particular, Grin, with 2Miners. They have excellent infrastructure and engineering expertise and help us generate maximum coin/hash.
Brian Venturo, CTO Atlantic Crypto

Dagger-Hashimoto Pools

PoolsMiners OnlineLuckHashrate
Ethereum PoW996 Miners6%5.25 TH/s
Ethereum Classic7143 Miners169%26.62 TH/s
SOLO PoolsMiners OnlineLuckHashrate
Ethereum PoW SOLO32 Miners129%230.77 GH/s
Ethereum Classic SOLO153 Miners60%901.64 GH/s